

I will return one day and who knows, maybe Jesus will also choose that day to return and multiply some fishes and loaves.

Prolly not.

Either way, I’m gonna go and keep dreaming.

When I wake up, you better hope you’re asleep.

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New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp

2017–08–07, bis


Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp

If you are writing elsewhere…

If you are leaving Quora (whether of your own volition or not), and will continue to write elsewhere online—such as on:

—I encourage you to provide that information in your communications with me for entries in this blog.

What are some Quora alternatives?


Quit (Temporary):

I am deactivating my Quora account until Quora disseminates an official, public statement regarding misattribution of comments due to bot activity in the first week of August, 2017.

Editorial Note: An apology has reportedly been posted to the Top Writers Facebook group. The Top Writers Facebook group is not open, so any statements made there are not public.

Editorial Note: Quora’s answer to When will Quora be removing our names from the comments they created based on the question details we edited before deprecated in August 2017? The comments should have been authored by a Quora bot, not by innocent users.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp

2017–08–04, bis

Quit (Temporary):

Given the changes this week (8/3/2017) Changes to further emphasize canonical questions by Sumi Kim on Quora Product Updates, I will be taking a break from Quora.

Sad day for Quora. If you get rid of all details except links, and links don’t say what they are to (like the details in What are some ways that Gary Vaynerchuk is extremely emotionally intelligent?) I will never be comfortable answering those questions. Basic Internet safety, I don’t click on undifferentiated links.

I’ve been getting Quora Bot notifications this afternoon, watching details disappear—feels like that scene in Agents of Shield, where bits of reality keep disappearing knowing it will eventually be all gone.

Guess I’ll disappear for a while, and check on things in a week or two.

I understand the goal, I’m just deeply disturbed by the choice of how to accomplish it. This is not Wikipedia, and questions cannot be slimmed down the way a Wikipedia entry can.

Another notification from the Quora Bot, just as I’m writing this comment. I shall go hide away, and see if things look better next week. I expect I’ll come back to a thousand or more notifications from the Quora Bot. What a disaster.

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New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp


Quit (temporary):

I for one am getting sick and tired of the BNBR world we live in.


Best of luck all. I am stopping Quora for a while. Good luck.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp



  • Michaelis Maus
    • Reason Given: Multiple Violations
    • Statement (received from third party via PM):

He wanted me to tell you he’s been banned and that he’s unlikely to appeal.

He says he was “shocked, but not surprised,” and he “hopes you had as much fun reading his writing as he did writing your reading, maybe even more.”

He also said he considered himself… “immeasurably wealthier for having had the opportunity to spend time and energy here with y’all,” and he told me to say that “anyone can feel free to send money, food, work, well-wishes, arguments, threats, and any other thing you might not care to imagine,” to him, at keepitgreen72@gmail.com

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp

2017–05–05 (2018–08–02, archival)


Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

New to Quora? Check out Quora Base Camp