2017–04–14 (2017–05–20, archival)


  • Richard White
    • Duration: three months
    • Reason Given: Repeated Violations

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2017–05–20, bis


Gordon Miller: what one decision shaped your life today?:

My decision to quit Quora for good.


Quora is unable or unwilling to enforce the BNBR policy but quick to warn me. I am done with the abuse and bias.

[Boo!! Ok so one request…please don’t delete your answers. They’re invaluable. ] If I go so do my contributions.

[I really hope you will stay.] Only way that happens is if Quora steps up and enforces their own policies.

[What?! Why would you quit?] Because of the fake profiles and constant abuse unchecked by the Quora Gods.

[Dont quit. It will make me cry :(.] Better keep tissues handy, Quora has abdicated their responsibility to police abuse on the site.

[What!!! Nooooooooo!!!!] Yep. And you can blame Quora management.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

2017–05–20, ter


  • User [M*rtin V*dakara]
    • Reason Given: Multiple Violations
    • Statement (Email):

Got banned.

Though to be quite why would they ban me now instead of before?


To be quite honest I’m quite disgusted at Quora. I don’t mind being banned I deserve it though to be quite how they banned me now randomly is ridiculous.

The real name policy is a problem. It attracts trolls, destroys the company image, and anger pisses me off when they target and stalk other users on Facebook.

Obviously I know the people reading this won’t who I am since I was not a very popular writer. I just want to say that I’m quite sad I never had a chance to say goodbye. Bye Gigi J Wolf. Bye Korey Daniel. Bye Sierra Spaulding. Bye Laura Campbell. Bye Crayssa Kramer. Bye David Payne. Bye Salwa Halabia. Bye Tom Ramsey. As well as the people who followed me and I upvoted over my time at Quora.

I’m out of the matrix. I guess I’m free.

I probably pissed people off unintentionally and intentionally during my time since October 2015. I’m glad I was exposed to new knowledge and perspectives. But I’m just glad that somebody upvoted me. I’m happy that I got to write some small answers and just reveal a little bit of myself to the world at a time.

Sigh. Adam D’ Anglo. Seriously dude, if you care about Quora make sure you do something about about trolls?




“Dear Quora Community,

Well, the inevitable has happened. I’ve been banned from Quora. I say ‘inevitable because I used a fake name. Many of you know me as Sam Fairlie, later Samantha Nolan, or, simply, the pink rose that would sometimes pop up in your feed. I changed my name after my parents discovered my account. We mutually decided that it would be best for me, as I had been on the receiving inappropriate advances from strange men not just on Quora, but off (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) I won’t go into too much detail, but let’s just say these advances ranged from minor offenses to unwanted photos of a suggestive nature. As a MINOR, I elected to change my name to hopefully avoid future conflicts. I assumed that Quora would understand my predicament and be a bit more willing to protect their underage users. Looks like I was wrong. I’d like to thank each and every one of my 3.4k followers for going on this journey with me. It’s been a wonderful year, and I hope that I was able to enlighten you as much as you did me. I had dreams of being a Top Writer someday, and although those dreams will never technically come true, you all made me feel like a TW each and every day.

Thank you. I’d like to give a special thanks to Brooke Schwartz, Caroline Plowe, Stella Chen, Emlyn Shen, and of course Mariana Ferreira Albuquerque for your friendship, kind comments, and support in times of need. None of us wanted this, but I respect Quora’s right to uphold their policy. I just wish that they were a bit more concerned with protecting their underage users rather than enabling those who harass them. That being said, it’s their prerogative. If you’d like to check in on me for some reason, you can contact my friend Katie Chilelli. I’ll likely create another Quora account to keep tabs on the community and provide support to the writers who I’ve befriended; however, I won’t continue to write.

I wish you all the best of luck, and happy writing.

Yours truly,

Sam Fairlie (the girl with the rose.)”

Edit-Blocked, Quit

Note: I’ve been edit blocked due to my name and I probably won’t be back because you know, crazy Muslim parents potentially finding out that I’m trans and whatnot. Apologies for having horrendous parents! 🙂

I’ll be on discord if anyone wants to talk to me.

To all who knew me as a guy with a different name, I’ve changed it out of sheer paranoia. Being a trans son of conservative Muslim parents is a pretty real danger if they were to come across this profile. To keep things as blunt as possible, I don’t want to be physically punished and disowned because of what I am.

Sorry 🙁

(I’ve discussed this with a few Quorans already, and now it seems as though I have finally “jumped ship” so to speak, we’ll see how this goes.)

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

2017–05–12, bis


  • Niyati Vishwanath
    • Statement:

“Hi guys, it’s Niyati. My parents were made aware of my Quora account and read through all of my answers. They were not angry but rather scared that I had jeopardized my safety through my account and answers, some of which included real pictures of myself.

We felt it was safest to delete my account, and I am sorry to say I will not be returning to Quora, in the near future or possibly ever. This was an extremely difficult decision for me- all of my 902 followers have to know I had my finger over the delete button for five minutes, crying my eyes out.

Thank you to everyone who has shown me support on Quora. This website helped my mental health in ways you cannot imagine. Although I will never return to this wonderful community, the memories and connections I have made will never leave me.

I wanted to let you all know that I was writing under a pseudonym. My first name was real, but I changed my last name for privacy (although that didn’t do much). V is actually my middle initial, and I chose the name Vishwanath because it was a Tamil name, and I am Tamil.

Thank you to everyone again for all you have done for me. I guess this ends my last ever Quora piece.

Wishing you all the best,

The Cosmic Lion.”

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.