
Deactivated, Quit:

  • User [Chr*stina M*nroig]
    • Statement: Profile Bio:

I’m very sad to say that I’ll be leaving Quora very soon. I will be deleting my account as I’m spending way to much time on here. I’ll leave this message up for a week or so so that you have a little bit of warning but then I’ll be deleting my account. Maybe I’ll come back someday and make a new one but for now it’s going away. Thank you for such a wonderful experience.

Returned (UnQuit):

Formerly known as Jamie Barth. Yes, it’s me. I left for a month. I’m back now. I’m going to try to not let Quora be so addictive this time around.

And yes, I can prove I am Jamie Barth.

Jamie Barth was a pseudonym, and I told the Quora admins that is was a pseudonym when I deleted my account last month. Now that they know it’s not my real name, they said I would have to use my real name if I ever came back.

You can ask Morgan Evans or Brooke Schwartz or Habib Fanny. It’s really me. I can get other people to vouch for me too, if you need more convincing.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.


Deactivated, Quit:


Currently in self-imposed exile from Quora due to Addiction to the same

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

Blog Guidelines

The Argologue (“listing of the inactive”) is a community blog for tracking Quora users who have deactivated their accounts. It is a sister blog to Necrologue, but it is run differently:

  • Submissions are welcomed from any Quora user, about either their own deactivation or others’.
  • Submissions are welcomed for either deactivations or reactivations.
  • There is no fixed template, and no editorial intervention by the blog owner (me) other than approving posts.
  • BNBR continues to apply, in content and comments.
  • There is no requirement that you wait to confirm before posting a deactivation. (You may want to do so anyway.)
  • Deactivations by themselves are no longer in scope of Necrologue, and notifications of deactivation will be redirected to this blog.
  • Deactivations with an accompanying quit notice are still in scope of Necrologue, if the quit notices indicate that the user is departing Quora permanently, or temporarily for reasons internal to Quora.