2017–05–12, bis


  • Niyati Vishwanath
    • Statement:

“Hi guys, it’s Niyati. My parents were made aware of my Quora account and read through all of my answers. They were not angry but rather scared that I had jeopardized my safety through my account and answers, some of which included real pictures of myself.

We felt it was safest to delete my account, and I am sorry to say I will not be returning to Quora, in the near future or possibly ever. This was an extremely difficult decision for me- all of my 902 followers have to know I had my finger over the delete button for five minutes, crying my eyes out.

Thank you to everyone who has shown me support on Quora. This website helped my mental health in ways you cannot imagine. Although I will never return to this wonderful community, the memories and connections I have made will never leave me.

I wanted to let you all know that I was writing under a pseudonym. My first name was real, but I changed my last name for privacy (although that didn’t do much). V is actually my middle initial, and I chose the name Vishwanath because it was a Tamil name, and I am Tamil.

Thank you to everyone again for all you have done for me. I guess this ends my last ever Quora piece.

Wishing you all the best,

The Cosmic Lion.”

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

2017–04–15 (2017–05–06, archival)


Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

Monthly Summary: Apr 2017

Stats will not include “archival” posts that refer to events before the current month. The same person may be counted in multiple categories of action.

APRIL 2017

  • Edit Blocks: 3
    • One month: 0
    • Six months: 0
  • Edit Block Rescinded: 1
  • Deactivations: 11
  • Quit: 4
  • Bans: 5
    • No reason given: 2
    • Sockpuppets/Multiple Accounts: 1
    • Multiple Violations: 2
    • Harassment: 0
    • BNBR: 0
  • Un-Bans: 3
  • Deletions: 10
  • Deleted Answers: 0
  • Withholding Answers: 0
  • Reduced Participation: 0



Hello again, Quora. I enjoyed you while it lasted. I still feel I was unjustly banned, but deleting my account and all my content? That is simply cruel and unmerited. I was about to get my Unit 731 answer published. Now, I know you all must dislike me immensely because I dared to diss your teen poster girl [redacted], but I technically didn’t harass her on Quora. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas; what happens in an obscure Facebook group stays in said obscure Facebook group.

At this point, I don’t see a purpose coming back to Quora, because all my content has been deleted. However, I’d still like to see changes. Perhaps if Quora ever goes public, stockholders will keep the mods in check. Until then, Kearns out yo. *Drops mic into lemon meringue pie and swims away*

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.