

  • Kelley Spartiatis
    • Reason given: none.
    • Kelley has contacted me. She does not know why she was banned.


Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

Category definitions

I am introducing new categories of activity, and I am providing formal definitions with the guidelines now.

Categories of activity:

  • User-triggered
    • Deactivation: The user deactivates their own account. Signalled on their profile by a grey banner, “this user has deactivated their account”. The user needs to re-authenticate to access their account.
      • Deactivation notices will not be published by default to Necrologue. The community is invited to submit such notices to Argologue instead.
      • Deactivation notices will still be published on Necrologue, if accompanied by a Quit notice indicating that the the user is: (a) departing Quora permanently; (b) departing Quora temporarily, for reasons internal to Quora.
    • Quit: The user has made an explicit statement that they will no longer participate in Quora. Where publicly available, such statements will henceforth be linked to from the post itself. Bear in mind that users have various reasons for declining to participate in Quora.
    • Reducing Participation: The user has made an explicit statement that they are reducing the level of their engagement on Quora. Where publicly available, such statements will henceforth be linked to from the post itself.
    • Withholding Answers: The user has made an explicit statement that they will no longer answer questions on Quora. They will still do other actions on Quora, such as comment or message. Where publicly available, such statements will henceforth be linked to from the post itself.
    • Changed Name: The user has changed their name to something that is clearly not their real name. Typically a prelude to quitting, and usually accompanied by deactivation. As this flaunts the Real Name rule of Quora, I refer to it informally as “suicide by Real Name”.
    • Deleted Answers: The user has deliberately deleted a substantial number of answers they have contributed to Quora.
    • Deleted: The user has deleted their account. This removes all their answers and their profile from the Quora system. It thus makes them an “unperson” on Quora (someone who has chosen to remove their identity). Because their profile no longer exists, there is no identity to link to. Out of respect of their choice to unperson, this blog links to the last entry on Necrologue that mentioned them, instead of naming them.
  • Moderation-triggered
    • Edit-Blocked: The user is prevented by Quora from writing answers or comments on Quora for a fixed period of time. By default this is a week; longer periods of censure are indicated in the post.
    • Banned: The user is permanently prevented by Quora from logging in to their account. Signalled on their profile by a red banner, “this user has been banned”.
    • Unbanned: The ban on a user has been rescinded by Quora.

2017–03–21, ter

EDIT: Premature; will not count in stats. See comments.

Quit, Deactivated:

I think I’m going to leave Quora soon. Doxx threats as well as very questionable moderation decisions are just pushing me too far to the “I don’t know if I want to do this anymore” side. As great as this site is, the cons are starting to outweigh the pros.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.




Withholding Answers:

I’m watching this insubstantial pageant, but I’m done writing answers, at least for now. I’ll comment on stuff. PM me if you want to talk, and you know me to talk to. Especially do so if you want to know how to reach me. You never know when Quora will ban me, or you, after all.

Darla Benz, Pegah Esmaili, and Sophie Dockx in the span of a week. Enough is enough.


No idea what straw finally broke the camel’s back. I’ve certainly never set out to deliberately anger, incense or embarrassed anyone, but whatever I said, I regret nothing. This is a privately owned website, the owners can regulate it as they please, but some of the ‘delicate little flowers’ using Quora would be well served to grow a thicker skin. And moderators/TPTB would do well to look out for outside attacks from individuals (Reddit users) who’ve decided they hate Quora/Quotas. Well, that’s my final rant; I’ll just cap it off with a quote from one of my favorite cheesy ’80’s movies (Highlander). “It’s better to burn out than to fade away!” ‘Bye, all and thank you, Nick, for channeling this Necro-message from beyond the Quora grave.

Posts on this blog will only point to the profile of users, and mention any reason for sanction given in edit profiles. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. BNBR applies in comments.

Archival posts retitling

It’s been a “busy” month, readers, and it’s not letting up. 😐


Stephen McInerney has once again made a helpful suggestion about formatting on this blog.

Until now, archival events (which happened more than a fortnight before reporting) were titled by the date, followed by “archival”.

From now on, to make things a little more obvious, they will be titled by the date of the event, followed by the event of the report in brackets. For example, 2017–03–21, archival becomes 2017–01–16 (2017–03–21, archival).