Account deleted, around July (so no link):
- Marcos Mayer
Account deleted, around July (so no link):
Deactivated, Unverified Name:
Edit-Blocked and Deactivated:
Edit-blocked and Deactivated:
The following old bans have been brought to my attention by Mohammed Khateeb “Medusophontes” Kamran. I will be listing old bans separately from current activity.
As always, no value judgement is made on people banned, nor will speculation be entertained as to why they were banned. A minimum of 100 followers is required for any user to be listed here.
Banned, then un-banned:
Andrew joins Richard White and Steven de Guzman as someone restored from being banned.
Banned, then un-banned:
I will not be reporting retrospectively, unless it involves an unbanning; those are infrequent occurrences, and welcome admissions of moderation fallibility.
[EDIT: well, I changed my mind on that one quickly. But I won’t be seeking them out myself.]
Sam has not resumed contributing since he was un-banned.